Sunday, July 24, 2011

Types of Facebook Users.

Im one of those peope that uses Facebook quite a bit, (actually I leave my self logged in but thats beside the point) Now here recently I have noticed there are several different types of Facebook users. Some of them annoy me quite a bit while others are "just there".

First off, we have the people that pretend to be stoners. They like to update their status every few hours about how a party is going or about how high they claim to be. They also tend to put 420 after everything. Most have never actually been in the same room with a drug of any form.

We also have the Online Badass. They like to type like gangsters (though they may just be mentally retarded. Nobody is sure yet) and try to post threatening status updates aimed at a person that doesn't actually exist. Note: If the person does exist then they don't say the person's name. They usually say "a certain person is really pissing me off blah blah blah" or end a status with "you know who you are." These people tend to be Juggalos and "down with the clown" 80% of the time

Next up we have the Attention Whores. They are the ones that try to put up sexy pictures and ask for comments. They also type up stuff about how they suck and are ugly (right after putting up a skanky picture) They will also try to screw anything that walks on 2 legs. They will also meet a guy online (that they have never met) and decide to "date" them. They dont actually meet this person for some odd reason, so that person dumps them. THEN the attenetion whore will get online saying stuff like "blah blah blah ALL GUYS/GIRLS ARE ASSHOLES/WHORES!!!! THEY JUST WANT ONE THING!!!!"

Now we come to the Status Stalkers. These are the guys that do nothing but sit online and comment EVERY SINGLE STATUS. Im serious I have seen a guy actually sit around and comment on all my friend's status'. They like to know everyone's business and try to be experts on everything

Then there are the people that follow whatever trend has been on the news. The whole Casey Anthony case is a huge example of these people. Need I continue?

Then we have the emo children that complain about life... Now I have no problem if your actually in a tough spot, but when you complain daily about how life sucks and eveything when you actually have things going pretty good, then I dislike you.

And finally, we have the people that are like me, we sit back and laugh at all the bullshit and drama that goes on from behind a computer screen.

So guys & gals, We should really try to limit all the crap that goes on over Facebook (or any site for that matter). Just be yourself instead of pretending to be something else. Nobody really wants to see the bull crap that is in the status' of the types of people I listed above. This is probably a useless rant to some people, but its what was on my mind tonight for some reason.