Sunday, July 24, 2011

Types of Facebook Users.

Im one of those peope that uses Facebook quite a bit, (actually I leave my self logged in but thats beside the point) Now here recently I have noticed there are several different types of Facebook users. Some of them annoy me quite a bit while others are "just there".

First off, we have the people that pretend to be stoners. They like to update their status every few hours about how a party is going or about how high they claim to be. They also tend to put 420 after everything. Most have never actually been in the same room with a drug of any form.

We also have the Online Badass. They like to type like gangsters (though they may just be mentally retarded. Nobody is sure yet) and try to post threatening status updates aimed at a person that doesn't actually exist. Note: If the person does exist then they don't say the person's name. They usually say "a certain person is really pissing me off blah blah blah" or end a status with "you know who you are." These people tend to be Juggalos and "down with the clown" 80% of the time

Next up we have the Attention Whores. They are the ones that try to put up sexy pictures and ask for comments. They also type up stuff about how they suck and are ugly (right after putting up a skanky picture) They will also try to screw anything that walks on 2 legs. They will also meet a guy online (that they have never met) and decide to "date" them. They dont actually meet this person for some odd reason, so that person dumps them. THEN the attenetion whore will get online saying stuff like "blah blah blah ALL GUYS/GIRLS ARE ASSHOLES/WHORES!!!! THEY JUST WANT ONE THING!!!!"

Now we come to the Status Stalkers. These are the guys that do nothing but sit online and comment EVERY SINGLE STATUS. Im serious I have seen a guy actually sit around and comment on all my friend's status'. They like to know everyone's business and try to be experts on everything

Then there are the people that follow whatever trend has been on the news. The whole Casey Anthony case is a huge example of these people. Need I continue?

Then we have the emo children that complain about life... Now I have no problem if your actually in a tough spot, but when you complain daily about how life sucks and eveything when you actually have things going pretty good, then I dislike you.

And finally, we have the people that are like me, we sit back and laugh at all the bullshit and drama that goes on from behind a computer screen.

So guys & gals, We should really try to limit all the crap that goes on over Facebook (or any site for that matter). Just be yourself instead of pretending to be something else. Nobody really wants to see the bull crap that is in the status' of the types of people I listed above. This is probably a useless rant to some people, but its what was on my mind tonight for some reason.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Warning, Im very annoyed and just need to vent.

ok, i've recently had a run in with a moron, I know you're suppose to ignore these people, but I cant help getting pissed off because I have a short fuse and get angry very fast. So when you decide to critisize me, my friends, the things I do, and my way of life, then yea im going to get angry and tell you off. I dont go around claiming to be something that i'm not, and I dont go around talking shit about others because of stuff that they like. But like I said, do it to me and i'll bite your face off. I will curse you out worse then you have ever been done before.

Yea I might not go out and have a fun night partying and drinking. Just because I'm one of the few people here that is a straight edge follower, doesnt mean you should talk shit about me just because I prefer not to screw up my life.

So what if I like nerdy shit like Lord of the Rings or video games. Thats the stuff that interests me and doesnt concern you in any way, shape, or form. So once again dont talk shit about what I LIKE.

And yes I do have Gay friends, but dont you dare talk about them because if I dont kick you're ass, They sure as hell will.

Sorry for the midnight rant if you are reading this, been a rough night and i'm irritated. Feel free to share you're thoughts or a story or something.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Now, being only 18 this isnt something im a master of, but I feel like I know something about it. To me, when you enter a relationship with someone its because you WANT to be with that person. By some strange chance, every relationship I have been in since June 2010 has ended with me being cheated on. Maybe I just get boring or something, but im usually a pretty nice guy and I am always 100% loyal (like a dog).

So this makes me wonder what drives someone to cheat on the person they are with. Even if its after a few months of dating or a few years of being married, people all around the world cheat on who they "love." So I would like to ask these questions:

Have you ever been cheated on?
If so, did you ever find a reason for being cheated on?

for others:

Have you ever cheated on someone and if so, why?

Considering I just started this Blog around midnight, I doubt there will be anyone to answer, but maybe i'll be surprised and get a few comments.

Burn Halo - Up From The Ashes Review

ok, this is my first attempt at trying to review a CD, so please bare with me because it may not be good, but I feel like Its some thing I need to do. Now then, the name of the album is Up From The Ashes by Burn Halo.

Now most people that know of this band and James Hart, know of his colorful history with Eighteen Visions. When they disbanded he formed Burn Halo. Long story short: Burn Halo sounds nothing like old 18V, they released a fairly popular cd, toured for a few years and have made a bit of a name for themselves and released a new CD June 28th.

Now, this album is a heavier BH than we heard in 2009. It still maintains that old rock sound at times, and has some great vocals. James has evolved so much as a singer these last few years. Songs like Threw It All Away, Give Me A Sign, and Stuck In A Rut show the emotion he is emitting now and shows how he is now trying to write meaningful music, insted of just writing. He still has vocal power to get you fist pumping and headbanging with songs like Tear It Down, Up From The Ashes, Dakota, I Wont Back Down, and Shine.

Music wise, guitarist Joey Roxx has really made a style of his own, after being mentored by Synyster Gates (Avenged Sevenfold). Songs such as Shine,We Wont Live Frover and Get It On stand out thanks to Joey and his sound.

I suppose now i'll just give each song a rating and maybe say something about it (if I have anything to say)

1) Tear It Down - 5/5 This is an easy song to get pumped up to, I listen to it for just that reason. Whenever im about to play an intense multiplayer game, you can hear this song lol.

2) Up From The Ashes- 4/5 It a very good song and catchy, but for the title track, its not what you would expect.

3) Stranded - 4/5

4) Threw It All Away - 5/5 This is probably my favorite song off the album, it really speaks to me personally. It makes me think of when someone who had everything they could ever want, is now just left with nothing because of the mistakes that person made, but they want to change more than anything for the people closest to them. Very deep and personal. Love it

5) Alone - 4/5

6) Stuck In A Rut- 5/5 Another personal song for me. It seems like a song by someone who is just heartbroken and is having a rough time in life. But they know things can and will get better.

7) Give Me A Sign- 5/5

8) Dakota- 5/5 a pretty good song, very powerful but a little depressing. The James has described the song as "a song of despair. It tells the tale of a person that lives in a black hole. Their emptiness is eating them from the inside out. They’re so consumed by hatred and addiction that they neglect the idea of hope and faith in those that love them." Ive got to say, they hit the nail on the head with that one. Its a personal favorite because Dakota also happens to be my 1st name lol.

9) Rest My Soul - 3/5 I didnt particularly like this song. To me, it just seemed to sound like a Nickelback song and I really dislike them. Maybe you'll like it though.

10) I Wont Back Down - 5/5 Another great song to get you pumped up.

11) Shine - 5/5 At first I couldnt get use to this song, It sounded so different from the other songs on the album. But after listening to it alot, I must say its pretty good.

12) We Wont Live Forever - 5/5

13) Get It On - 5/5

Overall, This is a pretty good album, and so far my favorite of 2011. If you want a good rock album, then pick this up. I guess on overall score would be 4.5/5